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Meet Our Coordinators

Action Team Manatee’s Coordinators are exclusively teachers and counselors at Manatee School for the Arts. These individuals are the team’s backbone, as they are the ones who make the events even possible for students to participate in. Although they have extremely busy schedules they manage to find time to guide the volunteer team onward to success. Special thanks to each Coordinator for their dedication to students whether it be extracurricular or not. Without them there would be no ‘us’ in trust, and without trust there would be no team.


"5 years ago, Mr. Devine (Assistant Principal at Manatee School for the Arts) asked me to run Action Team. I had no volunteer experience, so I said no. He then handed me a notebook that detailed everything I needed to start Action Team Manatee. Then I met Gabby Jarmoszko, the author of the notebook. I immediately knew that I could do it with her help. We started with 12 kids and now have hundreds. We grew to be the largest Action Team in the whole country. We continue to inspire others through our efforts. I love what we do and will NEVER stop."


"I initially joined because the head Coordinator, Mr. Gush , needed someone with a pick up truck for a Saturday park clean up. That's right- he just wanted me for my pick up. Of course it didn't take more than a few minutes to understand what the draw to Action Team was. The hard work, dedication, and thoughtfulness our Action Team students put into the activities and community service shows how much compassion and desire our Action Team members have to make a difference in every persons lives regardless of how young or old. From retirement home performances to park clean ups, canned food drives to habitat for humanities, mentoring young students to chaperoning dances, our volunteer students take time out of their weekends, weekdays, and holidays to assist a wide ranging group of charities and organizations with the volunteers they need. Donating my time and pick up that first Saturday is one of the best things I have ever done, and as we go forward, I am very proud of the former and current Action Team Manatee  students that I have come to know and care for and look forward to many more opportunities to be a part of such a great group of young people."


"I joined Action team because I was inspired by the dedication and commitment to community service  I saw from the students.  I have always strongly been an environmentalist, and when I saw the Action team students cleaning up the Palmetto parks, I knew I had to get involved. When working with the students, I also saw how tremendously talented they were and  began coordinating performances with in the community.  Working with these kids has given me a glimpse how bright the future can be."


 "The reason I joined action team was to give back to the kids and the community. I have been helping put through out my life when I was in high school and in the military. I also help out with a local non profit organization  in the community called MOTS that helps out veterans and their families. Being on the team had helped me get closer with the kids and see who they are out of school and how great they are with so many incredible talents and how they love to help the community.  Action team has helped me with getting closer with colleagues at the school and shows administration I care about the school and our community. The longer I stay on this team it helps me grow as a person and let's me build  long lasting relationships."


"Mr. Gush asked me join Action Team as a coordinator at the beginning of last school year, and I immediately agreed. I used to volunteer regularly when I was in high school and college, and I thought it would be exciting and enjoyable to volunteer my time as a teacher as well. Since agreeing, I have had many wonderful experiences with the group. It brings me so much joy and pleasure to see the students give back to their community. In the future, I hope to see many more of my own students out there with us during events. That way, we can begin a discussion in class about the importance of giving back to the school and the people in the wider community. Being a coordinator has definitely been one of the highlights of my career!"


"This is my second year volunteering as a coordinator for Action Team Manatee. Working in the school's   Student Support,  I've noticed how amazing the youth of Manatee School for the Arts are ! It is my pleasure to help lead them in their adventures serving the community and fundraising  for us to be able to give scholarships to the graduates. It is truly amazing to watch how the group works so well together and helps one another out- both at events and throughout the school day. I am excited to see the wonderful things  that these young men and women accomplish this year and moving forward!"


"I was inspired to join Action Team by its members.  I've witnessed these students volunteer their time again and again.  I have seen them, out in the heat, cleaning up the parks and beaches of their community weekend after weekend.  After observing this a few times, I had no choice but to want to be a part of it.  A better group of kids you will not meet."

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